Of course shampoo don't do miracles for dru hair - even all hair products, masks and oils together does not make them whole again, and sadly the only option is to trim them, just because shampoo main task is to purify hair not make them perfect after all you done to them :(
Yes shampoo contaisns ingredients that help improve the visual damage, but the effest is always seen for aproximately two days only.
Undeniably, with the right choise of shampoo you can get better look longer and safe this effect longer, but over a longer period of time harmful substances in shampoo, ma contribute to the opposit effect.
Colorful ads promising to make the hair so beautiful, give them vitality, health, preserve glow until the next wash. ... You see advertised hair shampoo, hand reaching for it, but … stop! Not all the substances in hair-care products that provide immediate visual effect is harmless! Explore shampoo ingredients and choose wisely!.
Substances which should be avoided:
Ammonium lauryl sulphates, Sodium Lauryl Sulphates
This substance is added to many shampoos. It creates a foaming effect, which also carries the main wash function.
Sodium Chloride
Known as the daily common salt. In shampoos and conditioners it is used as a thickener, it can cause itching, dryness, also contribute to hair loss.
Polyethelyn-Glycol (PEG/Polyethelyn or Polyoxyethelyn.)
Promote product thickening, but makes hair extremely dry
Parabens adds to shampoos to prolong their term of validity. Can affect hormonal balance changes.
Diethanolamin (DE) and the Council (tea) Triethanolamin
Products containing DEA and TEA can cause scalp irritation and allergic reactions. They destroy beneficial substances in natural hair, making them dry, lifeless and brittle.
Most hair care products contain alcohol, but high concentrations can stimulate drying out.
Almost all chemicals that are used in the shampoos, can adversely affect the scalp and promote hair deterioration, loss, breaking it, etc. Of course, everything depends on the amount of the substance added-if it is at the top of the list of ingredients for shampoo, then to reckon with the fact that it used more than substance, which is at the end of the list.
There is another marketing trick, producers rarely use – on the product labels are printed synonymous instead of chemical substances.
Hoppe you all can find a good shampoo and keep your hair healty :)