
otrdiena, 2014. gada 29. jūlijs

Summer nail design

Step 1:
Start by washing your hands and giving your nails a good scrubbing with a nail brush, apply a base coat to protect your nails. I used a Maxi Frensh Couture base coat.
Step 2:
Apply two coats af clear white nail polish to your little finger
Step 3:
Add 16 drops of white colour ( 2 drops for each nail) on a plate and add 3 drops of violet polish and mix well. Apply two coats of next fingernail. Keep adding 3 drops of violet nail polish and coat nails.
Step 4:
Add nail polisg with golden glitters and when it's dry add top coat of your choise to secure nail design.

Enjoy your pretty nails :)

ceturtdiena, 2014. gada 24. jūlijs

My favourite liver salad recipe

To serve 2 people You will need:
To prepeare liver:
*500 g Chicken livers
* Half of large onion
*A pinch of salt
*table spoon of olive oil or little piece of unsalted butter
* black pepper
* 100 ml Water
To prepeare salad:
* 1 Medium cucumber
* 1 Large carrot
* 100 g Spinach leaves
* 100 g Lettuce of Your choise
* 2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
* Half of large onion 
*Pinch of salt
*Few leaves of Basil
* One Large tomato
For decoration :
*Few blueberries
* Few mint leaves
1 Step. Thoroughly rinse the livers under cold running water and dry on the paper towel.Preheat the pan and when it's really hot (You can check it by carefully sprinkle some water on it )put in some fresh ground black pepper and stir fry untill aroma grows, Then add oil or butter, onion and livers. Fry untill livers are golden brown from all sides, add water and cook under lid on medium for about 10 minutes.If liver is evenly cooked, take off lid and fry on high untill water is evaporated, if not put on lid and bake for extra 5 minutes. When liver is done, put them on a cold plate to cool them faster.
2 Step. Cut the other half onion, add a pinch of salt and leave for five minutes. Meanwhile, Thinly slice  cucumbers and carrots. It's easy to do with a vegetable pealer. Remove cucumber core – it's not tasty and very watery. Thinly slice tomatoes, put aside. Add lettuce and spinach, torn into suitable pieces. Never cut lettuce, spinach and other leafy vegetables with a knife, because then they would be watery .Add the basil leaves and mix with balsamic vinegar. Rinse onions under running water and add to salad, gently stir.
3 Step.  Arrange tomato slices on a plate, put some salad, sprinkle a little blueberries and  addliver, put the second part of the salad, little bit if  liver and garnish with mint and remaining blueberries.

Good appetite!

pirmdiena, 2014. gada 14. jūlijs

Seemingly healthy products that actually makes us stiffen weight

Trying to lose weight, it's important not just watch the daily intake of calories, but also how healthy are our favorite products. In this context, There are products I lobe, but they can actually lead us to accept weight gain.

Coconut oil

Coconut oil has become one of the hottest trends in both beauty and cooking, but remember that one in two tablespoon of the product will have 200 calories and 16 grams of saturated fat, which has about 80 percent of the daily intake of fat.

Tomato sauce

Although it seems that tomato sauce is a great addition to many dishes, it is low in calories and fat before consuming it, make sure the product is not actually added to the large amount of sugar taste improvement purposes.

Brown sugar

Brown or white – it doesn't matter – sugar content 16 calories per teaspoon, so if the coffee adds a brown sugar, be careful with the quantity!

svētdiena, 2014. gada 13. jūlijs

Undesirable substances in hair shampoos-what to avoid when choosing hair products?

Of course shampoo don't do miracles for dru hair - even all hair products, masks and oils together does not make them whole again, and sadly the only option is to trim them, just because shampoo main task is to purify hair not make them perfect after all you done to them :(
Yes shampoo contaisns ingredients that help improve the visual damage, but the effest is always seen for aproximately two days only.
Undeniably, with the right choise of shampoo you can get better look longer and safe this effect longer, but over a longer period of time harmful substances in shampoo, ma contribute to the opposit effect. 
Colorful ads promising to make the hair so beautiful, give them vitality, health, preserve glow until the next wash. ... You see advertised hair shampoo, hand reaching for it, but … stop! Not all the substances in hair-care products that provide immediate visual effect is harmless! Explore shampoo ingredients and choose wisely!.
Substances which should be avoided:
Ammonium lauryl sulphates, Sodium Lauryl Sulphates
This substance is added to many shampoos. It creates a foaming effect, which also carries the main wash function.
Sodium Chloride
Known as the daily common salt. In shampoos and conditioners it is used as a thickener, it can cause itching, dryness, also contribute to hair loss.
Polyethelyn-Glycol (PEG/Polyethelyn or Polyoxyethelyn.)
Promote product thickening, but makes hair extremely dry
Parabens adds to shampoos to prolong their term of validity. Can affect hormonal balance changes.
Diethanolamin (DE) and the Council (tea) Triethanolamin
Products containing DEA and TEA can cause scalp irritation and allergic reactions. They destroy beneficial substances in natural hair, making them dry, lifeless and brittle.
Most hair care products contain alcohol, but high concentrations can stimulate drying out.

Almost all chemicals that are used in the shampoos, can adversely affect the scalp and promote hair deterioration, loss, breaking it, etc. Of course, everything depends on the amount of the substance added-if it is at the top of the list of ingredients for shampoo, then to reckon with the fact that it used more than substance, which is at the end of the list.

There is another marketing trick, producers rarely use – on the product labels are printed synonymous instead of chemical substances.

Hoppe you all can find a good shampoo and keep your hair healty :)

sestdiena, 2014. gada 12. jūlijs

White Tshirt+Boyfriend jeans with jellow eye shadoe+clumpy lashes make up

Usually I am not a big lover of clumpy eye lashes, but today I felt like they perfectly fits my mood today.

Yellow eye shadows goes perfectly with blue eyes.
I love how my eyes look's bright blue with this eye make up.

Rossmann wet wipes for daily after use bruch cleaning

Eye shadow's I've used, but you can use any similar colours to get the look

The Body Shop White Musk Libertine Eu De Toilette

Thanks for reading and have a nice day :*